Entrance Effect for Content
You could show entire banner content or individual content items with awesome entrance animations.
Wolmart offers 50+ different animations which you can choose from.

Background Kenburns Effect
Banner effects are necessary to make your site more attractive and beautiful. You could choose from various
Kenburns effects that are famous in the Slider Revolution and other plugins.

Women’s Wear
Diam in arcu cursus euismod quis. Eget sit amet tellus cras adipiscing enim eu.
Shop CollectionA lot of Hover Effects
Really a lot of premade hover effects are ready for you . You might try to move your mouse over
banners to check each hover effect.

Effect 1

Zoom & Light

Effect 2




Effect 3

Zoom & Dark

Effect 4
Niche Particle Effects
Look at the below banner with particle effect. These effects make
people feel as if it is real.
Element Options Glossary
Here comes list of all options from our element with explanation in detail. This could probably
help you to find out what each option is for.
Element Options
- Content Animation – Set entrance animation for entire banner content.
- Item Animation – Set entrance animation for each banner content item.
- Hover Effect – Choose banner overlay and image filter effect on hover. Choose from 5 overlay effects, 4 hover effects.
- Background Effect – Choose one from Kenburns effects ( background moving effects ).
Element Options
- Particle Effect – Shows animating particles over banner image. Choose from Snowfall, Sparkle.
- Parallax Speed – Change speed of banner parallax effect.
- Parallax Offset – Determines offset value of parallax effect to show different parts on screen.
- Parallax Height – Change height of parallax background image.