Various Product Types
We support 8 main product types and lots of customize options. So you can create amazing product style without any coding skills. Please enjoy our product element!
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Type 5
Type 6
Type 7
Type 8
Choose & Filter Options
One of the main features in our element is flexible choose & filter options. By using these options, you can choose any kind of products as you want.
Product Ids
Product Count
Product Status
Order By
Order Way
Layout Options
We support various layout types to display your products. Don't forget checking our layout options in advance, especially custom creative layout!
Product Grid
Product Slider
Product Masonry
Build Your Own
Distinct Element Feature
Ajax Load More, Category Filter
Product ajax functions are outstanding features of our element. You can build amazing website by using these functions.
Load more products by ajax with fire button.
Load more products by ajax with scroll.
Show category ajax filter above products list
Works ajax filter with another category element
Type Options
We provide perfect control options to customize the products element. All options are well-organized and easy to use. Please enjoy with these options!
Element Options Glossary
These options allow you to control any part of the element as you prefer, so you can build awesome
design and layout with these options.
Element Options
- Select Products – Choose product name of specific products to display.
- Select Categories – Choose categories which include products to display.
- Select Brands – Choose brands which include products to display.
- Product Count – Controls number of products to display or load more.
- Product Status – Choose product status: All, Featured, On Sale, Recently Viewed.
- Order By – Defines how products should be ordered: Default, ID, Name, Date, Modified, Price, Random, Rating, Total Sales.
- Order Way – Defines products ordering type: Ascending or Descending.
- Products Layout – Choose products layout type: Grid, Slider, Creative Layout (Masonry).
- Image Size – Controls image size of products.
- Columns – Controls number of products to display in one screen.
- Columns (>=1200px) – Controls number of products to display in one srceen greater than 1200px.
- Columns (<576px) – Controls number of products to display in one srceen under 1200px
- Columns Spacing – Controls amount of spacing between columns.
Element Options
- Load More – Allows you to load more products by ajax: By button, By scroll, By pagination.
- Follow Theme Option – Choose to follows product type from theme options.
- Product Type – Choose from 10 default product types.
- Show In Box – Choose to show outline border around each product.
- Shadow Effect on Hover – Choose to show boxshadow of product body on product hover event.
- Media Shadow Effect on Hover – Choose to show boxshadow of product media on product hover event.
- Show Information – Choose to show information of product: Category, Label, Price, Rating, Attribute, Cart, Compare, Quick view, Wishlist, Excerpt.
- Show Sales Bar – Show off product stock state as progress bar and sold number.
- Show Labels – Select to show product labels on left part of product thumbnail: Top, Sale, New, Out of Stock, Custom labels.