Sidebar Overview
Sidebars are important parts for displaying the information in shop page, post page or etc. You can construct you web page with sidebars and main content. UDesign offers a very easy way to add left, ...

Widget Area
A widget area is a container that holds widgets. Widgets should go inside a widget area to be able to display on the site. Sidebar is also one of widget areas. UDesign supports sidebar as a widget are ...

Register a new sidebar by using Sidebars Builder
UDesign supports some default sidebars such as shop sidebar, blog sidebar, multi-vendor plugin’s store sidebar. However, if you want more sidebars, the theme allows you to register new sidebar. ...

Setup sidebars in Page Layouts Panel
UDesign Page Layouts Panel provides an easy way to display sidebars in any pages. To display sidebar in page, please see the following guide. Please go to UDesign > Page Layouts in admin menu. ...

Sidebar widgets provided by UDesign
UDesign provides a wide array of custom widgets in addition to the default widgets WordPress offers. All widgets are found in the Appearance > Widgets tab on your WP admin sidebar. There ...

Difference Between Widget And Widget Areas
It 's good for you to realize the differences between widget and widget areas. So we recommend the followings to help you understand about that. Widget – A WordPress Widget is a small blo ...

Creating Widget Areas
UDesign supports sidebar as a widget area. You can create a widget area in UDesign > Sidebars like followings. Step 1 : Click the 'Add New Sidebar' button for new widget area. Step ...

Adding Widgets To Widget Areas
Before add widgets to the widget area, firstly you have to create the widget areas. To learn how to create widget areas, please see Creating Widget Areas here. After that, you can add widgets. Each w ...