UDesign contact form

Using our Contact Form Widget, you can build your form to contact with the admin.


Layout using plugin

By activating the contact form plugin, we can build the layout of the for as following.


Contact form options galore

Choose your favorite contact form mode, shape and style the element.


Select contact form

Your can type the contact form using the contact-form plugin.

Fields style

This option is to input the height of the field which is more customizable than the wpform.


Button style

Your can input the height of the button instead of calculate the padding.

We can contact!

UDesign plugin and widget, you can build the styled form.


    Contact from element options

    Customize Elements Globally or Individually

    • Contact Forms: Choose the contact form which is built by using the plugin.
    • Lable Typography: Style the font of the lable.
    • Typography: Style the font of the value of the field.
    • Label Bottom Spacing: Input the spacing between the label and the field.
    • The height of input and select box: Input the height of the field.
    • The height of the textarea: Determine the height of the textarea.
    • Text color: Pick the color of the value in the field.
    • Form Field Border Color:  Pick the border color of the fiekd.
    • Form Field Background Color: Pick the background-color of the field.
    • The height of buttons: Determine the height of the buttons.
    • Background Color: Select the background color of the field when normal or hover.
    • Border Type: Determine the border type of the buttons.