Add A Custom Post Type
Now, we have enough knowledge about Custom Post Types and want to create new one. You can create custom post type in following 2 ways: ACF and PTU
- ACF (Advanced Custom Field)
Step 1: Navigate to Plugins
and Install Advanced Custom Field plugin.

Now you can see ACF item in the WordPress sidebar.
Step 2: Navigate to ACF / Post Types
and start adding Custom Post Type

Step 3: Input all required fields and set options as your demand.

That’s it! You are ready to use your new custom post types. You can check new item in the WordPress Sidebar.
- PTU (Post Type Unlimited)
Step 1: Navigate Plugins
and Install Post Type Unlimited Plugin.

Step 2: Navigate to Post Types / Post Types
and start adding Custom Post Type

Step 3: Input all required fields and set options as your demand.

That’s another way! You are ready to use your new custom post types and can see your new item in the WordPress Sidebar.