Layout Builder Options
Layout Builder 1. General Settings Wrap - Option that wraps the site with container(boxed), container-fluid(wide) or nothing(full). Popup block - Block that appears as a popup modal after page load.Popup delay - Delay of the popup block's appear animation in seconds.Top notice block - Block that appears at…
(Read More)How to set condition to a layout?
Please click the cog icon button in the page layout’s header. Set condition 1 Choose your display condition that decides where you want to apply the layout. All shop pages will apply the layout to shop pages. Set condition 2 You can choose specific category pages if you…
(Read More)How to create a layout?
Please select a category you want to create. For example, you can select the shop category if you want to create a shop archive page layout. Creating a layout 1 Please click the rectangle with a plus button in it. Creating a layout 2 Then a new shop…
(Read More)What is PandaStore Layout Builder?
PandaStore Layout Builder is a tool that applies any layout to any page on your website. To open Layout Builder, please click PandaStore > Layout Builder menu item in the admin's main menu. Then, you can see some layouts pre-added by the theme. Layout Builder Global layout affects…
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