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3 Nov 2021
07. WooCommerce

PandaStore Build-in Compare Features

This is a function that is available to compare similar products. PandaStore theme creates compare page when you install woocommerce. You can choose the best product in terms of comparable products with price, ratings and so on. Compare is enabled in Theme Options > Features > Compare. Compare…

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3 Nov 2021
07. WooCommerce

Custom Product Label

In general product label reflect on the status of product using stock quantity and arrival time. Woocommerce plugin support 4 statuses including Feature, New, Sale and Out of Stock. Based on woocommerce plugin, you can add custom label to product. It helps users to get more information about…

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31 Oct 2021
07. WooCommerce

Install & Setup Woocommerce

PandaStore is fully compatible with WooCommerce and includes full design integration, as well as custom WooCommerce Elements. To get started with creating your online shop, you need to install the free WooCommerce Plugin. This documentation on using WooCommerce is the very basic information you need to get started. Please…

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