Testimonials Elements

The Testimonials Element offers you build your own awesome testimonials. Testimonials are the perfect way to show your potential clients great work you have done. Riode allows you to use testimonial sliders or individual testimonial.

Please go to Testimonials Element Page to see how it shows for a visual overview.

How To Use The Instagram Element

The Testimonial Element is a very useful way of adding testimonials into your page content.

Step 1. Create, or choose the Column you want to add testimonials.

Step 2. Select Riode Testimonal Element or Riode Testimonial Group Element from the Element List.

Step 3. Configure your testimonials. Type client’s name, job, title and content. And then, upload the avatar images to your testimonials. Then you choose the image size. lastly, customize your testimonials with abundant styling settings.

Step 4. Save all changes when you are finished customizing your testimonials. notes: If you work with single testimonial, just use Riode Testimonials Element. And if you work with more than one testimonials, just use Riode Testimonials Group Element.

Element Content Options

Testimonials ( for Riode Testimonial Group Element ) – Adds individual testimonials as much as you want. Here, you can edit client’s name, job, testimonial title, testimonial content, client’s avatar, link, size and rating.

Testimonial Layout – Controls your testimonials layout, columns and columns spacing.

Testimonial Type – Controls your testimonial type, avatar’s position, maximum content line, star icon and star style.

Element Style Options

Avatar Box – Controls avatar’s size, color, background color, box shadow, padding, margin, border style and border radius.

Title Box – Controls testimonial title’s color, typography and margin.

Name Box – Controls client’s name’s color, typography and margin.

Job Box – Controls client’s job’s color, typography and margin.

Rating Box – Controls rating’s size, color, blank color and margin.
