Image Lazy Loading

Here, we discussed Image lazy loading. What this does is to only load the images that are visible in the viewport. As the user scrolls and more images come into view, they are then loaded…

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Frequently Bought Together

In Wolmart we introduced Frequently Bougth Together. What this add-on does This is helpful for increasing sales showing a section to suggest items usually bought together with the product watched by your customer. How can…

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Product Attribute Swatches

Beautiful Color and Images Variation Swatches for product attributes Wolmart theme has a swatch function for variable product within it. It offers an aesthetic and professional experience to select attributes for variation products. It turns…

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Live Search

Wolmart provides live ajax search on search box. If you want enable live search, go to Theme options > Advanced > Search. Use Relevanssi for Live Search Wolmart is compatible with Relevanssi. Relevanssi replaces the…

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Brand Taxonomy

If you buy Wolmart theme, you can get one more taxonomy named Brands for products. This means that you can filter products not only categories but also brands. If you install Wolmart Theme, Brands taxonomy…

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Skeleton Features

Here, we introduce skeleton. What is skeleton Whether you have a low level computer or network speed is very slow, your page will be broken at first sight. At this time, skeleton is needed. Instead…

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Shop Catalog Feature

The Wolmart Marketplace WordPress Theme has shop catalog feature as built-in additional WooCommerce feature. So you can show only limited information of product to users by using it without any activation or purchase of the…

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Buy Now Feature

Wolmart provides Buy Now feature as an another built-in eCommerce addons. Users can direct checkout using this feature.In order to enable Wolmart's Buy Now feature, you need to navigate Theme options > Product Page >…

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