Riode Menu Types

Riode offers you 4 different types of menu. They are Horizontal Type, Vertical Type, Vertical Collapsible Type and Toggle Type. Let’s see one by one.

Horizontal Type

This type is the default menu type. All menu ancestors are placed horizontally. On mobile, you can wrap menu items in one dropdown.

Horizontal Menu
Horizontal Mobile Menu
Vertical Type

Vertical menu’s menu items are placed vertically. Megamenu and submenus will be shown beside of the parent item.

Vertical Menu
Vertical Collapsible Type

Vertical collapsible menu’s menu items are placed vertically like vertical menu. But megamenu and submenus are shown below parent item according to its hierarchy.

vertical collapsible menu
Toggle Type

Toggle Menu will be dropdown content of toggle menu dropdown. They will be shown when you move mouse over menu toggle.

toggle menu
