Style Options

You can change these options in Theme Option / Style .

1. Color

Primary Color – controls main color of your site.

Secondary Color – controls secondary color of your site.

Alert Color – controls alert color of your site. This option will apply to color of alert messages and notifications.

Success Color – controls success color of your site. This will apply to color of successful messages and notifications.

Dark Color – controls dark color of your site.

Light Color – controls light color of your site.

2. Typography

Default Typography – controls typography for default text in your site.

Heading Typography – controls typography of heading tags. This will style text wrapped with H1 ~ H6 tag.

*Note: You could not change font size of Heading tags using this option. Theme already styled them. Default values are 4rem for H1, 3.4rem for H2, 3rem for H3, 2.4rem for H4, 1.8rem for H5, 1.5rem for H6. However if you want to change default size, please add some codes in custom css textarea. You could see custom css panel in Theme Option > Custom CSS & JS . For example, you could easily change H3 tag’s font size by adding ‘h3 { font-size: 4rem; }’ or H4 tag’s font size by adding ‘h4: { font-size: 3rem; }’.

Custom Google Fonts – Theme supports 3 more google fonts to load manually. Riode loads only needed google fonts and font weights to reduce page load time and optimization. It means that font-family and font-weight in custom css without choosing them from theme option’s typography control, they might not be rendered correctly. This custom font option is the best choice for both custom css and page speed.

3. Skin

Rounded Border – gives rounded effect to buttons, elements, figures and so on. Product images would never be rounded by this option.
