Products Creative Layout
We provide amazing and awesome products layout that makes your site more beautiful and attractive. Please enjoy our abundant creative layout options.
Custom Creative Layout
Custom creative layout is outstanding and distinctive feature with other themes. You can realize your dream layout with our element.
01.Build any Layout as Your Wish
Powerful and abundant layout options allow you to build any kind of layouts as you want. You can accurately control every items in creative layout.
Please build amazing creative layout!
02.Globally or Individually
We provide perfect customize options that can control specific product of creative layout. So you can control product type not only globally, but also individually.
Please make your site more beautiful and attractive!
03.Flexible Responsiveness
We provide flexible and abundant responsive options for custom creative layout. So you can control responsiveness of the layout more easily and simply.
Please enjoy perfect and flexible responsiveness!
Element Options Glossary
These options allow you to control any part of the element as you prefer, so you can build awesome design and layout with these options.
Element Options
- Products Selector – Select products to be shown in this layout.
- Products Layout – Choose products layout type: Grid, Slider, Creative Layout (Masonry).
- Columns – Controls number of columns to display.
- Columns Spacing – Controls amount of spacing between columns.
- Grid Item Layouts – Customize your products’s layout by selecting with index.
- Product Ajax – Enable ajax filtering.
Element Options
- Different Row Height – Make base creative grid item’s height to their own.
- Product Type – Choose from 9 default types.
- Item Index – Choose item number to control creative items.
- Column Size – Controls selected item’s column size.
- Row Size – Controls selected item’s row size.
- Image Size – Choose image size of featured image.