
This panel includes WooCommerce-related options. WooCommerce is a vastly popular, open source eCommerce plugin for WordPress. We have developed a high level of integration between WooCommerce and UDesign.

1) Shop

You can set shop page layout options here such as product columns, gap size and load more products type, ajax functionality etc. In order to use different layout for specific product category or tags archive page, learn more details.

2) Single Product

This section includes options related to single product page.

Product Layout: You can choose one of 2 product layout presets that UDesign provides. And with ‘Add To Cart Sticky’ option, you can show add to cart bar at the bottom of product view page.

Custom Tab: Tab content to show in product data area.

Related Products: Related products options in product view page.

Up-Sells Products: Up-sells product options in checkout page.

Product Review Images: Set attachment image options of product reviews.

Product Review Form: Set review form display type in reviews tab.

Single Product
3) Product Type

Product Type: Select one of product type presets that comes from UDesign. Please learn more details about product type presets.

Product Excerpt: Set excerpt length to show in product archive page.

Product Type
4) Category Type

Select one of product category type presets that UDesign provides. Please learn more details about product category type presets.

Category Type
5) Compare

You can customize compare product options in Features/Compare panel.


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