Remarkable Service Everywhere
We support convenient and flexible ajax features. You can add your favourite products anywhere you want.
Please enjoy our ajax features.

Riode provides perfect and flexible compatibility with Yith wishlist plugin.
Please enjoy Riode + Yith Wishlist functionality.
Wishlist Element enables you to navigate to compare page directly or to show mini wishlist with the dropdown or off-canvas type as well as cart and compare element.
We support convenient and flexible ajax features. We also provide endless user-experience by ajax. Please enjoy our ajax features.
We support convenient and flexible ajax features. You can add your favourite products anywhere you want.
Please enjoy our ajax features.
You can directly add and remove your favourite product by clicking a wishlist icon as shown in this picture.
Please enjoy our ajax features.
We have added a quickview function in wishlist page. Therefore we support high convenience for customers.
Please use our quickview function.
We support 2 display types such as a dropdown type and a off-canvas type so that you could choose any type you want. Please choose your favourite one.
We also support styles for wishlist page every device so that you can look well designed wishlist page on any device.