Riode Compare


Riode Own Compare Features

Riode provides flexible and useful compare functionality that might help you to choose your favourite one. Riode compare feature is different from YITH compare plugin.


Compare Products Anywhere

We support a compare button per product type and single product page. Therefore, you can add products you want in a compare list by clicking the compare button.


Compare Features

We support several compare features so that you can make your compare page powerful and perfect. Please enjoy compare features.



Add and Remove Directly

You can directly add and remove product you want to compare by clicking compare icon as shown in this picture.

Please enjoy our compare features.


Notify What Product is Added

We support popup to notify what product is added when you click compare button. The compare popup is very attractive.

Please enjoy our compare popup.



Add to Cart & Wishlist in
Compare Page

You can add your favourite products to cart page and wishlist page in compare page by using cart or wishlist button.

Please our compare features.


Product Exchange

You can exchange position of products by using left or right button. The exchanging products position in compare page is efficiently used when many products are compared.

Please our compare features.


2 Types of Compare List

We support compare list with dropdown type or off-canvas type. You can determine it by using option list type. Please choose your favourite type.


The Compare Element

The compare element enables you to navigate to compare page directly or to show mini compare lists with dropdown or off-canvas type as well as cart and wishlist element.


Try Compare Feature on Live Demos

Compare feature is applied in Market demos and demo 29. Therefore, customers can visit them and check how compare feature works. It is different from Yith Compare plugin.
