Ajax Load to Make Shop Flexible
We support features with ajax features so that you could make your shop page flexible.
Please enjoy our theme with ajax features.
Woocommerce Support &
Reinforce Shop Page
We support several features for a shop page. We have also introduced ajax features to several parts such as shop sidebar, toolbox and pagination.
Accurate & Quick Ajax Cart
You can add products to cart or remove products from cart by ajax without navigating to cart page.
Convenient Ajax Wishlist
You can add products to wishlist or remove products from wishlist by ajax without navigating to wishlist page.
Awesome Ajax Quickview
You can get product information by ajax quickview popup without redirecting to single product page.
Ajax Load More Types
In addition to ajax features as shown above, we also support ajax load with more types.
Please enjoy our ajax load.
We've added ajax feature to classic & mostly-used pagination which customers can find more products.
You can get more results by clicking a load-more button which can receive the next products data from server.
Infinite Scroll
It is boring to have regular pagination feature on the page. We offered new trend modern feature - "infinite ajax scroll".