Riode Subcategories
You could show post or product subcategories list of certain parent categories in some sites that need a lot of products with organized system.
6 Element Options
Our element provides 6 base options which are used essentially to show subcategories list. All of the options have enough descriptions for easy understanding.
This option makes you choose
parent categories that you want to
show subcategories of.
parent categories that you want to
show subcategories of.
Subcategory Count
This option determines
how many number of subcategories
you are going to show.
how many number of subcategories
you are going to show.
Hide Empty
This option enables you to
hide empty subcategories which have
no products or posts.
hide empty subcategories which have
no products or posts.
View All Label
This label will be appended
at the end of the subcategory list and
makes you see all posts.
at the end of the subcategory list and
makes you see all posts.
Category Delimiter
This option is for text of
delimiter between parent and child
categories to separate them.
delimiter between parent and child
categories to separate them.
Subcategory Delimiter
This option is for text of
delimiter between each subcategories to
distinguish each item.
delimiter between each subcategories to
distinguish each item.
Available for 2 Post Types
Riode Subcategories element works fully for 2 post types categories - post categories and product categories. Enjoy our subcategories element.
Post CategoriesProduct Categories
Element Options Glossary
Here comes list of all options from our element with explanation in detail. This could probably
help you to find out what each option is for.
- Post Type – Choose to show category of POST or PRODUCT.
- Select Categories – Choose parent categories that you want to show subcategories of.
- Subcategories Count – Determines how many number of subcategories you are going to show.
- Hide Empty Subcategories – Choose to show/hide empty subcategories which have no products or posts.
- View All Label – Change text of view all link which is appended at the end of the subcategory list.
- Category Delimiter – Type the delimiter text between parent and child categories.
- Subcategory Delimiter – Type the delimiter text between each child categories.
- Title Typography – Choose font family, size, weight, text transform, line height and letter spacing of parent category.
- Title Color – Choose color of parent category.
- Title Space – Controls space between parent category and child category list.
- Title Row Space – Controls space between each subcategory list.
- Title Delimiter Typography – Controls typography of delimiter between parent and child categories.
- Title Delimiter Color – Choose color of delimiter between parent and child categories.
- Title Delimiter Space – Controls left and right space around delimiter between parent category and child categories.
- Link Typography – Choose font family, size, weight, text transform, line height and letter spacing of child categories.
- Link Color – Choose color of child categories.
- Link Hover Color – Choose color child categories on hover event.
- Link Space – Controls space between each subcategory items.
- Link Delimiter Typography – Controls typography of delimiter between subcategory items.
- Link Delimiter Color – Choose color of delimiter between subcategory items.
- Link Delimiter Space – Controls left and right space around the delimiter between subcategory items.