Riode Banner + Products
We provide an outstanding element you haven't ever seen before. The amazing and awesome layout makes your site more beautiful and attractive!
Save Effort, Elements and CSS
We not only provide amazing and awesome products + banner layouts but also allow you to save effort, elements and CSS.
How can We Use this Element?
There are 3 steps to build your own element. Each step is very easy and simple, so you can create the amazing layout without any knowledge of CSS or other coding skills.
01.Select Layouts
The first step is to select a suitable layout as you want. We support 3 main layout types and lots of customize options. So you can create a fascinating layout with just one click.
Please create amazing & awesome layout!
02.Add Your Own Banner
After you have built the element layout, you can start building your own banner to show. On the other hand, you can also control the banner's entrance position without any coding.
Please design your own banner!
03.Change Your Products
We also provide various product types and lots of customize options like RIODE products element. So you can build amazing products layout as you want.
Please enjoy our new element!
Flexible Responsiveness
We provide flexible and abundant responsive options for this element. So you can control responsiveness of the element more easily and simply.
Element Options Glossary
These options allow you to control any part of the element as you prefer, so you can build awesome design and layout with these options.
- Products Layout – Choose products layout type: Grid, Slider, Creative Layout (Masonry).
- Columns – Controls number of columns to display.
- Columns Spacing – Controls amount of spacing between columns.
- Rows Count – Controls row count in slider layout.
- Vertical Align – Choose from top, middle, bottom and stretch in slider layout.
- Use Custom Layout – Use creative layout preset or build your own.
- Creative Layout Presets – Choose from 9 supported presets.
- Auto Row Height – Make base creative grid item’s height to their own.
- Customize Grid Items – Add any grid item indexes with rules to determine width and height. Customers could also change each item’s product type.
- Insert number – Choose insert position index of banner item.
- Banner Preset – Choose one from prebuilt banner presets.
- Background Color – Set background color of banner.
- Background Image – Set banner image with exclusive options like position, size, repeat and etc.
- Item Type – Choose the content item type. Choose from Text, Image, Button, Shortcode.
- Item Display – Choose the display type of each content item. Choose from Block, Inline.
- Text Item Options – Shows options for text content item.
- Button Item Options – Shows options for button content item.
- Image Item Options – Shows options for image content item.
- Item Floating Options – Shows floating options for each content item.
- Product IDs – Choose product ids of specific products to display.
- Categories – Choose categories which include products to display.
- Product Count – Controls number of products to display or load more.
- Product Status – Choose product status: All, Featured, On Sale, Recently Viewed.
- Order By – Defines how products should be ordered: Default, ID, Name, Date, Modified, Price, Random, Rating, Total Sales.
- Order Way – Defines products ordering type: Ascending or Descending.
- Product Type – Choose from 4 default types: Default, Classic, List, Widget.
- Show In Box – Choose to show outline border around each product.
- Show Reviews Text – Choose whether to show “reviews” text beside rating count or hide text.
- Show Information – Choose to show information of product: Category, Label, Price, Rating, Attribute, Cart, Compare, Quick view, Wishlist, Excerpt.
- Show Labels – Select to show product labels on left part of product thumbnail: Top, Sale, New, Out of Stock, Custom labels.
- Content Align – Text alignment of product content: Left, Center, Right.
- Cart Position – Choose cart position from: Top, Bottom, 100% fullwidth, With quantity input. (for default type)
- Quickview position – Choose quickview position from: Top, Bottom. (for default type)
- Wishlist Position – Choose wishlist position from: Top, Under. (for default type)
- Hover Effect – Choose content’s hover effect from: Default, Popup, Slide-up. (for classic type)
- Progress Bar – Choose what progress bar should mean: None, Sale count, Stock count.