Useful Riode Icons
Icons are essential for building any site. Riode provides you an Icon Library by itself. It also offers you flexible and useful icon element.
Riode IconsBeautiful & Awesome Icons
RIODE provides 164+ high-demanding and often-used icons. Seeing is believing. Please go to the icon library.
With Different Sizes
You can customize the icon size easily. It doesn't matter how big or small your icon is, just choose any pixel value you want.
With Different Colors
I am sure that it is boring to build your site with one kind of icon color. So we provide you an opportunity to control the icon color variously.
With Border & Background
We provide you various color control options. You can control not only the icon color, but alos the icon's border color and background color.
Icons with various Animations
These icons will appear beautifully and surprisingly. These entrance animated icons will be suitable for your site very well.
Icons with Floating Effects
It is not enough to attract your customers with only static icons. You might want icons with awesome effects to draw your visitors attention.
Mouse Tracking
Horizontal Move
Vertical Move
Full of Font Awesome Icons
We are providing bundle of icons by means of the Free version of FontAwesome which includes 1600+ free icons.
Element Options Glossary
We have a wide range of content and style customization options for the Icon Element. These options are very flexible and customizable fully.
Icon - Select the certain icon you want to display in your page. You can upload any icon from the library which has Fontawesome icons and Riode icons or any SVG from the library.
View - Controls the display type of your icon. There are 3 types like Default , Stacked and Framed.
Link - Type the certain URL you want to link through. Please refer link options.
Alignment - Determine the alignment of your icon.
Primary Color - Controls the icon color.
Secondary Color - Controls the icon's background color.
Size - Controls the icon size.
Padding - Controls the padding of icon wrap.
Rotate - Controls the angle of rotate effect.
Border Width - Controls the border width of the icon wrap.
Border Radius - Controls the border radius of the icon wrap.