Riode Dismiss Element
Riode Dismiss element is a small but powerful element to hide elements like blocks, alerts, banners, sections and etc.

Dismiss Everything
We embedded this awesome feature into all elements. It means that you can hide everything including sections, columns and any other widgets.
Dismiss Section
Dismiss Column
This is a simple banner
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
Dismiss Notification
Dismiss with Cookie
Once customers dismiss block, it saves in cookie information and won't be shown in the next page loading.
This will be saved in Cookie
If you dismiss this banner, it will be saved in COOKIE and won't be shown in the next 7 days.
Please remove COOKIE information first to show this banner again.
Element Options Glossary
These options allow you to control any part of the element as you prefer, so you can build awesome design and layout with these options.
- Animation Out – Choose animation while certain element is disappearing.
- Animation Duration – Controls duration of element’s out animation.
- Animation Delay – Controls delay time of element’s out animation.
- Save in Cookie – Determines whether to save or not dismiss information in COOKIE.
- Cookie Expire In – Controls existing time that cookie information will expire in.
- X Offset – Controls left/right position of dismiss button.
- Y Offset – Controls top/bottom position of dismiss button.
- Z-index – Controls z-index value of dismiss button.
- Dismiss Size – Controls size of dismiss button.
- Color – Controls default color of dismiss button.
- Hover Color – Controls color of dismiss button when mouse is over.