Boxed Counter

We are providing awesome prebuilt counter - Boxed Counter with box shadow style.

0 +
Happy Clients

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conctetur adipisci elit.

0 +

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conctetur adipisci elit.

0 +
Years in Business

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conctetur adipisci elit.

0 +

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conctetur adipisci elit.

Block Type

We are providing awesome prebuilt counter - Block Counter with border style.​

0 +
Done Projects
Lorem ipsum
0 +
Clients Overall
Lorem ipsum
0 +
Happy Clients
Lorem ipsum

Simple Counter

We are providing awesome prebuilt counter - Simple Counter.​

0 +
Happy Clients
0 +
0 +
Years in Business
0 +

On Background

We are providing awesome prebuilt counter - Background Counter.

Counter Element Image
0 K+
Happy Clients
Counter Element Image
0 +
Full Ratings
Counter Element Image
0 K+
Visitor Count
Counter Element Image
0 +

With Custom Separators

We are providing awesome prebuilt counter - Simple Counter with various separators.

$ 0
0 :
New Years
0 %

Inline Counters

We are providing awesome prebuilt counter - Inline Counter.

Riode Shop has



Counter Element Image

Attention: You have


unused messages.

Element Options Glossary

These options allow you to set the counter options like start value, end value, prefix, suffix and so on, build the counter block and customize it with a massive style settings.

Starting Number - Type the number which will be the start number of your counter.

Ending Number - Type the number which will be the end number of your counter.

Number Prefix - Type the prefix which will be before the number.

Number Suffix - Type the suffix which will be after the number.

Animation Duration - Type the number for the animation duration of the counter. The unit is ms.

Thousand Separator - Enables to show thousand separator of the counter.

Separator - Select the separator forms from default, dot and space. The default separator form is the comma.

Title - Type the title of the counter.

Number Style - Provides text color and typography options for customizing the number of the counter.

Title Style - Provides text color and typography options for customizing the title of the counter.