Riode Breadcrumb
The Rreadcrumb makes you easily go through other pages with hierarchical links. Please place
the breadcrumb everywhere and make unique page title bar with Riode.
- Elements
- Breadcrumb
Combination with Page Header
Riode provides 4 prebuilt PTB (page title bar) types and makes you build your
own PTB with page builders.
- Elements
- Breadcrumb
- Elements
- Breadcrumb
- Elements
- Breadcrumb
- Elements
- Breadcrumb
Essential Content Options
There are a few options in Riode breadcrumb element, but all of them are often-used and
essential for making blocks which contain breadcrumb.
Change breadcrumb delimiter text between each links.
Delimiter Icon
Choose delimiter icon that will be placed between each links.
Home Icon
Set to show home icon instead of 'home' link in breadcrumb.
Element Options Glossary
Here comes list of all options from our element with explanation in detail. This could probably
help you to find out what each option is for.
- Breadcrumb Delimiter – Changes breadcrumb delimiter text between each links. Default delimiter text is ‘/’.
- Delimiter Icon – Choose delimiter icon that will be placed between each links.
- Show Home Icon – Set to show home icon instead of ‘home’ link.
- Breadcrumb Typography – Controls font family, size, weight, line height and letter spacing value of breadcrumb links.
- Align – Changes alignment of breadcrumb. Choose from left, center, right.
- Normal Color – Choose normal text color of breadcrumb links. Default color is white with 0.5 opacity.
- Active Color – Choose active or hover color of breadcrumb links. Default color is white.
- Delimiter Size – Controls size of breadcrumb delimiter text or icon.
- Delimiter Space – Controls space between breadcrumb links.