Various Post Types
The Blog Element is very useful for presenting your blog posts on your site. We provide 5 main post types. Each instance has its own unique styles.
Blog Masonry Options
We offer creative grid option as an extra layout. You can use any of our presets. Our advanced masonry options allow you to customize your posts.
Individual Type Control
Over Global Option
You can choose blog types globally or individually. The global option will be applied to every posts, while the individual option will be applied to any specific section's posts.
Apply Globally
or Individually
Total Display Control
Over Meta Data
The blog element provides you a massive set of options for displaying blog information. Each option will allow you to make your blog unique.
Blog Image
Blog Author Name
Blog Date
Blog Comments
Blog Category
Blog Content
Element Options Glossary
These options allow you to choose how each set of blogs display, group them with awesome layouts and customize them unique to your page.
Post IDs - choose post ids of specific posts to display.
Category IDs or slugs - choose post category ids of specific posts to display or choose slugs of them.
Posts Count - select the number of posts to display.
Order By - select the specific approach to sort your posts to display.
Order Way - choose the specific approach to sort your posts to display.
Posts Layout - choose the specific layout to suit your need to display posts.
Image Size - choose the correct image size to fit your post.
Vertical Align - choose the alignment of your items under the slider layout option.
Follow Theme Option - determine the post type globally.
Post Type - select your specific post type to suit your need.
Show Information - includes the specific post information which you want to show in your site.
Image Hover Effect - allows your post media have overlay effect on hover.
Show Date on Featured Image - allows you to show date on the post media with prebuilt design.
Custom Excerpt Length - allows you to change the post excerpt line.
Excerpt By - determine how to change the post excerpt line.
Excerpt Length - determine the number of words or characters to change the post excerpt line.
Read More Label - type the specific label for read more button.
Use Custom - allows you to customize the read more button.
Post - provides padding, background color and box shadow style options for customizing post wrap.
Content Wrap - provides padding and alignment style options for customizing content wrap.
Meta - provides margin, color and typography style options for customizing the post meta.
Title - provides margin, color and typography style options for customizing the post title.
Category - provides margin, color and typography style options for customizing the post category.
Excerpt - provides margin, color and typography style options for customizing the post excerpt.
Calendar Type - provides calendar width, calendar height, border width, border radius, day typography, month typography, border color, color and background color style options for customizing the post date.
Button Style - provides label typography, min width, padding, border radius, border width, color, background color, border colorand box shadow style options for customizing the post read more button.
Load More Button - provides label typography, min width, padding, border radius, border width, color, background color, border colorand box shadow style options for customizing the post load more button.